Thursday, October 09, 2008

Praying with St. Paul...

Nothing Missing
Father John Dominic Corbel, OP

"May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lor be with all of you."
~2Thessalonians 3:16~

Sunday afternoons in the fall were my father's favorite time. They were set aside for the Cleveland Browns. In those years the Browns had Fran Ryan, Paul Warfield, Leroy Kelly, and of course, the Great Jimmy Brown taking care of business. These afternoons were peaceful times for me. Not because there wasn't excitement or suspense or the occasional disappointment. There was plenty of that. But no matter how tight the game became I always knew that between the Browns and my father there was nothing missing. Everything necessary was in place to bring us victory.

Could you compare a Sunday afternoon's football game with the peace of the Lord? Sunday is the Sabbath. It is the day the Lord looked out on the world he had made and said that it was very good. There was nothing missing.

When the Apostle prays that the Lord of peace may give us his peace, he is praying that the Lord who is complete goodness in whom there is nothing missing who lacks for nothing, may communicate to us that same security and completion.

This prayer that the Lord may give us peace at all times and in every way can't be granted to us in this life if we mean by peace the actual experience of the invulnerable serenity and infinite perfection that belongs to God as God. But all the same, we know in faith that there is nothing missing. The Lord is with us and so, even if we are hungry or thirsty, if we are in trouble, or even if our favorite football team is losing again, or if we face hunger or nakedness or the sword, still there is nothing missing. We have what we need to win eternal life. Everything. The Lord is with us. There is nothing missing

Lord Jesus, our lives are often full of stress and it is often hard to
feel your presence with us. Help us to know that you have given us
everything we need to be joyful with you for ever.

Nothing left to be said! Have a Peace-filled day!


Thanks be to God!

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

A Grand Weekend (Part II)

Marianne's Bridal Shower

Thank you to all who prepared for and came to celebrate at Marianne's Bridal Shower. The company was grand, the food was great and the laughter and stories a delight. I had such a good time, as mothers are want to do!


Thanks be to God!

Monday, October 06, 2008

A Grand Weekend (Part I)

I had a wonderful day at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Autumn at "The Woods" is really beautiful. Orientation went well and Sister Dorothy and I had a grand visit. She continues her work with the poor in West Terre Haute as well as her prison ministry.

Mass that morning was truly grand as the congregation prayed for candidates and companions alike as we begin this year long journey towards my becoming an associate of the Sisters of Providence. It will be a challenging journey, but not one I take alone.


Thanks Be To God!!!

Friday, October 03, 2008

A Busy Weekend Ahead

to travel
and get there safely
a real "trip"

This is the weekend I begin my journey as a candidate as an Associate of the Sisters of Providence. I will spend Saturday at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods with my companion Sister Dorothy Rasche and other candidates to hear what is expected of us on this journey. Pray for me!

Then I'm off to Indianapolis. Sunday is Marianne's bridal shower. I'm not quite sure how to get to Marianne's as Ron is the one who always drives. Pray for me!

It should be lots of fun as it is an "around the clock shower." We will celebrate at Wes and Annie's new house and co-hostess is her sister Laura. It'll be fun to see what her "day" will hold for her.

Then, I'd like to get home by 7:00 p.m. Sunday evening. Our parish mission starts Sunday night and I really would hate to miss "opening night." Fr. Dennis is the retreat master and he was wonderful at our women's retreat last winter at St. Meinrad Archabbey. Pray for me!

You all have a grand weekend and I'll pray for you!!!


Thanks be to God!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

St. Therese of the Little Flower of Jesus

When it's your one of your namesakes feast day you find ways to celebrate. And so it is today, I celebrate the feast of St. Therese of Lisieux. First, I give thanks to my parents for choosing the name of a saint who truly is an example of determination and humility. And thanks be to God for her glorious creation!

Today I offer as I do every month the newsletter from China Little Flower. Shannon offers these words of Scripture for our reflection as we share in the work of the abandoned and neglected little ones.

Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." -Mt 19:14

Finally in the words of this dear follower of the Christ Child we hear...

Even a little child can scatter flowers, to scent the throne room with their fragrance; even a little child can sing in its shrill treble, the great canticle of Love. That will be my life: to scatter flowers~~to miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word, always doing the tiniest things right and doing it for love.

~~ St. Therese of Lisieux~

So, today, on this feast of the Little Flower, do some tiny things that will make a difference!


Thanks be to God!