Saturday, September 06, 2008

NOT A Lost Weekend!!!!!

Well, will you look at this!

Even though we're not in INDY this weekend we have lots to do. It's best to get things done at home.

1. Finish setting up computer accounts for Indiana Meteorite Lab (have put this off as long as I can. Woe to those who procrastinate!)

2. Get the car washed and cleaned. We will be picking up family and friends at the INDY airport for Marianne and Eric's wedding in October...

3. Work on some photo projects, especially pictures of the Women's Ice Cream Social at church.

4. Of course, there is still the laundry. It never goes away for the weekend.

5. And preparation for Bible Study tomorrow night at the DeCastr's.

Well, from my corner of the world, have a great weekend. Mine already is!


Thanks be to God!

Friday, September 05, 2008

You know how it is...

This is one of those weekends when plans made become unmade. All in the matter of hours last night plans changed.

A broken arm of two weeks ago has not healed correctly so surgery is required tomorrow. The loan on the new house is coming due and it requires an extension from the bank as the house is not completed yet. The meeting is at the bank tomorrow.

The Penrod Art Fair is only one day. So rather than drive 4 hours to visit with no one and go to a fair we attend because it is family time, Ron and I are staying home to do things in the family room and other parts of the house here. Soon we will be in INDY again to help Wes and Annie move and yet again in October for Marianne and Eric's wedding.

Twas not meant to be...Best weekend ever to you all.


Thanks be to God.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Penrod Arts Fair

We were actually at this one...had to miss last years shows but NOT this year. It is a really wonderful opportunity to see the work of the gifted and talented. So we're off tomorrow for INDY and the Penrod Arts Fair, as well as, celebrating Wes' 36th birthday. You all have a grand weekend! We will!

Thanks be to God!!

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Holy Card MEME

It never occurred to me that I would ever be considered for sainthood. That being said, I continue with this MEME with a great deal of trepidation. Therese at Aussie Coffee Shop tagged me for this two weeks ago...I'm still a little anxious about taking this step. So I begin. Heaven help me!

Here's the question: What picture would I use for my holy card, should I make it to sainthood, and of what cause(s) would I want to be patroness of?

I think I would like to be known as the Patron Saint of Music Lovers Who Wish They Had the Talent to Play,( not play-at whatever instrument they would like to play). I LOVE music...and like to play, alone. I'm not as gifted as many and therefore, it is a lot of hard work and practice to just play a song on the instrument with mediocrity. St. Cecelia has nothing to worry about in this area.

Tagging for this will be most difficult. I don't know who has been tagged and who has not. If you have already been so sainted please forgive me.

I would tag:






Thanks Be To God!!

Monday, September 01, 2008

China Little Flower

It time for the most recent newsletter for China Little Flower. Shannon is home for a short 10 days then she returns to China to care for her wee ones. It's especially important that we all pray for Shannon, the caregivers and the children in their care as they have to move yet again.

Please visit Prayer, Poetry and Praise and see how you can contribute to China Little Flower and get a lovely book of poetry at the same time. Ann is generously donating her proceeds to Shannon's cause.

Thank you all
Thanks be to God!