Showing posts with label service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label service. Show all posts

Friday, June 01, 2012

Haiku My Heart

Lonely waterlily
So beautiful and fragile
Hope for the future

Tomorrow two young men will be ordained here in the diocese of Evansville.  Much like this poor waterlily in a pond that needs tending, these young men will be entering into a life of servitude where tending the garden of souls may be fragile, but oh what hope there is in the future.   They must never relinquish that hope.  Pray with me for them and all those how have answered the call to serve in the order of  Melchizedek.

Thanks be to God!!!


Please visit Rebecca at recuerda mi corazon for Haiku My Heart. There is always more beautiful words  there to enchant and encourage!!! 

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Road to Providence

As I have journeyed on The Road to Providence these many months, I have arrived at the point of drafting my Commitment. The lesson in the chapter before drafting the commitment is about Mission and Ministry. Seemingly simple words, they ask the question, "What is my mission and to whom do I minister?" Then as always, I seem to be guided by the Holy Spirit to a place of explanation.

Putting Our Temperaments
in the Service of God

Our temperaments--whether flamboyant, phlegmatic, introverted, or extroverted--are quite permanent fixtures of our personalities. Still, the way we "use"our temperaments on a daily basis can vary greatly. When we are attentive to the Spirit of God withing us, we will gradually learn to put our temperaments in the service of a virtuous life. Then flamboyance give great zeal for the Kingdom, phlegmatism, helps to keep an even keel in times of crisis, introversion deepens the contemplative side , and extroversion encourages creative ministry.

Let's live with our temperaments as with gifts that help us deepen our spiritual lives.
Bread for the Journey
by Henri J. M. Nouwen

So I reflect on my mission and ministry, as we all must. And when I reflect, I see that none of this is possible with a commitment to service to others. As Christ served those is his midst while he was physically here among us, he taught us and urged us to do the same.

Who do I serve? To whom do I minister? Do I use my gifts and talent to be an example of service to others? Do I serve in joy or in anger and frustration? In other words, am I a true servant? These are question I will ponder as I compose my commitment letter.

And so I pray:

Lord, I want to be where I can make a
difference, where I can spice up another
person's life by bringing him or her the good
new of your love and justice.

Help me discover all the gifts you have
graced me with so that I can help turn this
world around--starting with my own life!
Show me how to keep fresh in your commit-
ment to serve you each day. Amen (pg 1330)

The Catholic Youth Bible
New American Bible

Please pray for me as I pray for you!

Thanks be to God!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Weekend of Sharing

God is watching!
July, 2009

Do not grow slack in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope and endure in affliction, persevere in prayer. contribute to the needs of the holy ones, exercise hospitality.
Romans 12:12-13

It's the weekend. But this weekend is a special weekend. The fourth Saturday is always special because it is the day Ron and I volunteer at Mother Terese's Treasures, the parish thrift shop. We offer three hours to serve in whatever capacity is needed this ministry. Ron usually runs the register (penance for him as he'd rather do lifting and toting but on Saturday there isn't much of that) and I will sort and mark clothes and other items. The time we spend there is uplifting because I SERVE, We SERVE.

Every summer the St. John the Baptist Council of the Knights of Columbus sponsor a cookout for the kids at Gibault School near Terre Haute. Tomorrow is that Sunday. It is a pleasure to meet these special kids. I never know, and don't want to know what circumstances brought them to Gibault, but this is the last stop for many of these kids before they enter the prison system. It's amazing how gracious these young people (ages 7-high school) are and how sincere their gratitude is for this simple meal of hot dogs, hamburgers, and potato chips.

I pray that no child has to suffer ever. I often wonder why they must suffer. But if by offering time with these kids, letting them know they have value and are worthy of our time, we can keep any of them out of prison I say DO IT!

This is a grand weekend. Please enjoy yours!!!!!

Thanks be to God!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Week Ends...

with a most wonderful surprise!!!

Let the same mind be in you that was in
Christ Jesus,
who, though he was in the form of God,
did not regard equality with God
as something to be exploited,
but emptied himself,
taking the form of a slave,
being born in human likeness.
And being found in human form,
he humbled himself
and became obedient to the point of death
even death on a cross.
~Philippians 2:5-8~

Today, what a surprise and blessing for Ron and me. Shannon is state-side to renew her visa so that she can continue her work in China. We really didn't think we would have a chance to visit with her as her visit here is very short. But, you know, I believe in miracles...Meeting her and her mother, Colleen, in the parking lot at Schnucks was absolutely that for me. Like a child at Christmas surprised by the wonder of the gifts, so was I at seeing her. I could only greet her with hugs and joy!!!

Shannon has a most infectious smile that lifts your spirits. She emanates love, compassion and grace. And when she speaks of the children she cares for, one can only believe that the love they are given is tender and warm. There is a sincere desire in her to do the will of God where she is and that is caring for these children who are at risk.

My dear friends, my hope is that you have model of Christ, like Shannon, who can motivate you to submit your will to the will of God, through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Today I feel rejuvenated. And since the beginning of this week, there have been many moments in which I have felt the presence of Christ. Now, it seems He is calling me to serve, perhaps in ways I have not served before. Please pray I will hear the call as his will, and not MY egos will to serve.


For all his gifts to me, I say,
"Thanks be to God"