Showing posts with label St. Catherine of Siena. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St. Catherine of Siena. Show all posts

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Monastic Cell of the Heart

Build yourself a cell in your heart, and retire there to pray. ~Saint Catherine of Siena~

I was personally bowled over by this quote. I struggle with prayer. Have for as long as I can remember. Disappointment, anger and sorrow are words I would use to describe how I feel about my prayer life.

I can't be quiet! How do you do that? I'm a babbling brook!!! Words running helter skelter through my mind. In conversations with friends I am even uncomfortable with "quiet pauses." I wonder if God "turns the volume down" when I start to communicate with him. Me doing all the talking.
Centering prayer is a time before prayer to allow focus. Sometimes that works for me and at other times I might as well turn on the radio and listen to the Beach Boys for all the good it does.

As I travel the Road to Providence I am certainly now more aware of His hand in my life. And even in my prayer life, I must give him credit. And why not, for he is the creator of ALL things.

Example, this week. I called my brother, Tom, to work out dates for our visit the end of the summer to see him and Kathleen. As we chatted he mentioned that Kathleen's mother was in the hospital with some serious heart problems and so Kathleen was away. For no particular reason that I can see, I had added Kathleen's mother to my prayers this week.

Two things struck me after I hung up the phone. First, I was called to visit Tom in his "aloneness." He was anticipating Kathleen's return, and was able to share with another his story. Second, the call to pray for Kathleen's mother obviously came from the Holy Spirit, and even though I didn't realize it at the time I was listening! [YES!] The God of Providence again made inroads into my "cell."

I am glad I was reminded of my "cell" today. I will reflect upon its use. And maybe I will be reminded to spend more time THERE when I pray!!!


Thanks be to God!!!

Monastic cell at Convento de La Santa Cruz, Queretaro
Originally uploaded by schechter02