Friday, April 23, 2010

The Crockpot!

In the POT...boneless turkey roast, red cabbage and scalloped potatoes.


It was very tasty!

I have loved cooking with the crockpot for over 30 years. And for Valentines Day I got this wonderful set of crockpots. It cooks an entire meal!!! It will keep foods warm not cooked in the crockpot for serving. I really enjoy using this terrific kitchen tool...
Thanks be to God!!!


  1. Oh yum.......I love all things Irish and this is culinary paradise!!!! CABBAGE IS AWESOME! Oh Cathy, thank you for coming to my opulent bday party! One must celebrate when God has given us such a wonderful life. Blessings to you my dear friend. My eyes are getting old; when I first saw your post, I thought it said, "Crackpot"!!!! Anita

  2. I never saw such a contraption! Cool! And the dinner sounds great, too.

  3. I saw that triple crock pot for sale in Costco a few months ago --I should have bought it! Your dinner sounds so good!

  4. What time should I be there?

  5. Wow, looks delish! That trio crockpot cooker looks fab!


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