Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religion. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

A Month of Thanksgiving

Branch Of Wisdom

Politics exist to lead free men to a prosperous and 
virtuous common life on this earth; religion exist
to save men's souls.  But from both of them are born
the two greatest loyalties know to man,:  the cross 
and the flag. ~~Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen~~

And so it is that today, this Election Day, 2010, that I am grateful to live  in a land that I can elect the officials and praise God openly the treasures this land has to offer me.  I must never take this for granted!!!

Thanks be to God!

Tamara at Branch of Wisdom is offering us the opportunity to daily give thanks for the gifts given us by God.  So from today October 24, 2010 to November 24, 2010 we are asked to share in this  journey of Thanksgiving.   Please stop by her blog and read more about the specifics.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Last night on the NBC Nightly News I stopped to "listen" to the results of one of their polls. It had to do with organized religion. It seems that many are not staying to practice the religion of their families when they were growing up. the poll says they are looking for religion "that fits their needs" [paraphrased]. Imagine!

They don't understand, they don't choose, they've already been chosen (Isaiah 43:1-8) ! They want a religion of "convenience," a religion where nothing of their self need be expended. What has happened to being of service to others. I wonder if they are indeed Christian churches if the only reason one attends is to take and not give, hear the Word, but find no need to apply it to their lives. I don't mean only financial giving. Where is the "time and talent" meant in the service of Our Lord? When He washed the feet of the disciples He said "Do as I do," not, "Do as I do when you feel like it." When will children learn this if they do not see their parents in the act of self- giving. The home is where we find the means to salvation. Jesus is in our midst. The Church is the community of support, that foundation that gives us strength and worship, but the family is the center of education and example.

Humanity is still in dire need of Salvation. We are "Looking for love in all the wrong places..." The love of God is not easy "love", not necessarily a feel-good love. Christ loved till it hurt and He died for love of us so we might enjoy His everlasting love. That is only to be experienced by our death to this life, and yet we just don't get it, do we? It can't be found in a church that fits my needs, only God knows my needs. How does a church become a "Fits Your Needs Church"?

For the example of my family!!

Thanks be to God.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Again, I have been remiss...

Both Esther of A Catholic Mom in Hawaii and Lisa at
Are We There Yet have honored be in different ways. First Esther bestowed on me the honor of The Bloggers of the World award some days ago. This new and coveted award! I have been asked to bestow this on 10 others. And so I will do my best.

1. This I Do. Mike in England
2. Sailing by Starlight. Though she will be not be posting until after Easter.
3. Beyond Horizons3. Pia in Italy.
4. What I Choose Today... From Colorado
5. Are We There Yet. Another Colorado site I love to visit
6. Budapest Daily Photo. Brings beauty into my life.
7. Norwich Daily Photo. Brought me my first crocus of the year.
8. Prayer Poetry and Praise. Brings me serenity and oft times inner peace.
9. Contemplative Haven, asylum for a refugee soul. Brings me to reflection.
10. A crocus in the valley. Though she too will be on sabbatical until after Easter as well.

Now Lisa from Are We There Yet tagged me for The Saint MEME. I have enjoyed this one because it caused me to contemplate more deeply the lives of those saints I do admire. Thank you, Lisa.

1. First saints you met. Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint Therese of Liseux .

2. Favorite saints. St. Therese, St. Catherine of Siena, and St. Theresa of Avila.

3. Patron saint for the year. St. Stanislaus Kostka

4. Favorite book by a saint. Interior Castle by St. Theresa of Avila

5. Saint book you are reading now. The Kings Good Servant, But God's First (St. Thomas More)

6. Favorite movie about a saint. Thomas A Beckett

7. Favorite autobiography/biography of a saint. The Story of A Soul by St. Therese

8. Favorite novel/book of a Saint. Mother Theodore Guerin, A Woman For Our Time

9. Saint (besides your favorites) you'd want to meet. St. Padre Pio, St. Thomas More, St. Maximilian Kolb.

10. Saints you look to for help. St. Anthony, St. Padre Pio, St. Francis Xavier Cabrini

11. Favorite saint quotes. ""Love is a debt you owe to everyone." St. Catherine of Siena; "We shall steer safely through every storm, so long as our heart is right, our intention fervent, our courage steadfast, and our trust fixed firmly on God." St Francis de Sales

12. Favorite holy card(s).

13. Favorite story about a saint. About St. Patrick as he drove the snakes out of Ireland.

14. If you could go anywhere on pilgrimage to what saints homeland, where would it be. Ireland and all it's saints.

15. any Blessed or Venerable you would like to become canonized. Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

I will tag:
1. Ukok's Place
2. Mommy of Four
3. Grandma's Musings
4. And anyone in my Group on Tuesday night.

My thanks to all who have challenged me to grow and improve who I am, as Matthew Kelly would say, "A better-version-of-myself."


Again I say, "Thanks be to God!"

Monday, January 07, 2008

Rediscovering Catholicism

I must get this in before I fly to visit my mother in MT for a few days. I will be back on Saturday. Will try to visit when I can. Yes, my mother at 82 is pretty computer literate. I am really proud of her.

At any rate, this book is one of the nicest Christmas gifts I think I have gotten in some time, just because it was a real surprise. It has taken me so long to get to it because of all the other post I wanted to make. That was why the initial introduction to Matthew earlier.

First, I mentioned that we went to St. Brigid's Church Christmas Eve for Mass. The gift to the congregation, to all present, was this book by Matthew Kelly. The pastor got up at the end of Mass and said this book was a gift to all attending whether parishioner or guest. I was really dumbfounded. This parish takes formation seriously and has taken it to a higher level.

I started reading the book today. Yes, I forgot to list it as one of the books I wanted to read. It's interesting reading and not only that...when I turned the bookmark over that was inside the book I found that Matthew Kelly will be speaking at St. Brigid's April 20, 21, and 22. And if you are in the vicinity of Alpharetta, GA on those dates you would not be wasting your time if you went to hear him speak. He is in love with his God and the Church and it emanates in his enthusiasm.

No, this is not a paid announcement, but I believe that this young man is a missionary. And his mission is to bring us all into the loving arms of our Lord. Like Paul and Barnabas, Matthew goes to the people, encouraging them to share that goodness they have with others.

For Matthew and others like him,
I say, " Thanks be to God."